
The Pontifical University Catholic of Chile flumes are capable of offering top-class capabilities to perform velocimetry measurements. The flumes are under supervision and maintenance by our research group.

Open channel

This is a 14 m long and 1 m width open channel with glass walls to facilitate optical access, renewed during 2018/2019. With zero slope and fixed bottom, velocity and water depth are controlled through an electronic valve and gate. Flowrate is constantly monitored by an ultrasonic flowmeter. PIV measurements can be carried out in the inbuild security cage (founded by ANID: Fondequip VIIFQP N° EQM180150).
If you are interested in using these facilities please contact Dr Wernher Brevis (wbrevis@ing.puc.cl).

Homogeneous Istropic Turbulenc chamber

If you are interested in using these facilities please contact Dr Wernher Brevis (

Towing tank

If you are interested in using these facilities please contact Dr Wernher Brevis (

Pipe Loop

If you are interested in using these facilities please contact Dr Wernher Brevis (

Tilting flume

If you are interested in using these facilities please contact Dr Wernher Brevis (